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NSW Seniors Festival Ambassador

NSW Department of Family and Community Services have appointed Heathe Lee as NSW Seniors Festival Ambassador


The theme is Grow Young. It centers on wellness, lifestyle and health and wellbeing in an effort to inspire seniors to enrich their lifestyles and have fun. The festival will continue to focus on past themes of technology, active living and creative engagement.


As an ambassador you are the voice of the campaign. You will promote the key messages and events of the 2016 NSW Seniors festival.

Your role as an ambassador is to:

• Challenge community perception and stereotypes around ageing and promote a positive point of view

• Celebrate the valuable contribution seniors have made and continue to make in NSW

• Draw upon your personal experiences, feelings and anecdotes about seniors and ageing

• Empower seniors to lead a healthy lifestyle and fun doing so

• Inspire seniors to participate in creative, sporting, recreational, and / or cultural events

• Embrace and enhance seniors using technology

• Promote communities that are age-friendly, and where seniors participate in local and economic life

• Encourage healthy and active ageing of the body and mind

• Encourage seniors to pick up our magazine and visit our website

• Promote self-expression as a creative outlet of seniors

• Promote the diversity and unique experience of seniors.

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